นาย ณพนรรจ์ เสเกกุล
FEDRA 2002
Peter Bilak
Peter Bilak was born in Czechoslovakia, studied in England, the USA, and France
to end up in The Netherlands. Works in the field of editorial, graphic, type
and web design, teaches part time at the Royal Academy in The Hague.
Started Typotheque in 1999, and Dot Dot Dot in 2000, together with Stuart Bailey.
Besides fonts in Typotheque he has also designed fonts for FontShop International
](e.g. FF Eureka). Member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale).

นาย สุจจชัย โอชพันธ์ชัย
FEDRA 2002
Peter Bilak
Peter Bilak was born in Czechoslovakia, studied in England, the USA, and France
to end up in The Netherlands. Works in the field of editorial, graphic, type
and web design, teaches part time at the Royal Academy in The Hague.
Started Typotheque in 1999, and Dot Dot Dot in 2000, together with Stuart Bailey.
Besides fonts in Typotheque he has also designed fonts for FontShop International
](e.g. FF Eureka). Member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale).
